Accuracy VS Precision: AR-15 Style vs. Bolt Action
Accuracy vs. precision, are they the same?
When it comes to shooting, many people use the words "accuracy" and "precision" interchangeably, but is this correct? Is
AR15 or AR10 a precision firearm? Let's start with the answer and then work backwards. No, they are not precision firearms. You can add any attachment that you want onto the ARs to make them as on target as possible, but that does not mean they fall under the category of precision firearms. The bottom line is that accuracy is not the same as precision, and therefore a semi auto rifle can not be a precision rifle. Why? Well, to explain this the best way possible, we need to understand what the difference is between precision and accuracy.
Let's break it down.
The Difference Between Accuracy and Precision

The quickest and easiest way to explain it is this, you have a target at 100 yards and with your AR15, you can put every round on target, hell maybe every round in the bullseye! Fantastic! Great job. That is the definition of accuracy when it comes to shooting.
Now on the other hand, precision is, you have your target at 100 yards and you put your first shot on target, it does not even need to be within the bullseye, just on the target. Then your second shot, lands on the same hole as your first, and your third, and your forth, and so on. That is precision shooting.
How Accuracy and Precision Play a Role in Firearms
So now that we have defined the differences between accuracy and precision, how does this play into semi automatic firearms and bolt action guns? Well in order to be precise, you MUST be consistent, repeatable, and nearly identical in every shot, which is something that not many people can master without extensive training. Here's the word you need to remember, VARIABLE.
How many moving parts are there in an AR? How many moving parts are there in a boltgun? I'll wait..... Bingo! That's where the differences come into play. An AR style rifle has a lot of moving parts, or in this case, variables. Those variables are not controllable or consistent enough to be precise. In a bolt action firearm, the only thing moving is the trigger and firing pin and these are usually machined to tolerance that exceed that of an AR. What's left as a variable? YOU, the shooter!
In an AR the variables include, but are not limited to, the bolt, the bolt carrier, the barrel, the trigger, the hammer, the firing pin, gases, dwell time, the gas block, gas tube, the shooter, and more. "Dwell time" is the time between the bullet passing the gas port and exiting the muzzle. That "dwell time" is critical to build enough gas pressure to unlock the bolt and start moving the bolt carrier backwards. Anyway, these variables are just that, variables and as they vary, they are out of your control and may impact every shot you take. While your AR has the potential to be incredibly accurate, it is not a precision rifle.
Your bolt action rifle on the other hand, has a variable that lies in the trigger and you. That's it! Once you remove the variables; consistency, repeatability, and tight tolerances allow for precision. And to take it even further, if you handload or shoot match grade ammo, your level of consistency and repeatability go even higher!
Does a "Precision Rifle" Make You a Precise Shooter?

Now just because you go out and purchase a precision rifle over an AR does not mean you will be the next deadliest shooter that puts their next round through the previous hole. Instead, you need to find a rifle that suits you and hit the range, practicing through hundreds of rounds to really get a feel for it. In order to be a precise shooter, you need to master recoil, breathing techniques, and calculations in your head, amongst other things. Oh, that's right, you need to calculate things in your head, like distance, windspeed, and so on.
Wrap Up
So with that info, don't be fooled by titles and descriptions companies use like "precision AR-15" and such. It just simply isn't the case. While they are fantastic rifles and can be highly accurate, they will always have all of the moving parts and never be a precision rifle. However, a bolt action rifle on the other hand, is a precision rifle.